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Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023)[16-24- 44.1-96]\01 - Song for Peace.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\02 -Yorke's Guitar.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\03 - DonaNobis Pacem.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\04 - Vonguten Mächten wunderbar geborgen.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\05 -Kohelet's Carpet.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\06 -Dadaschi No. 1.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\07 - Withthe Poet in Italia.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\08 -Befiehl du deine Wege.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\09 -Oheboka Rabi Yasou.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\10 -Rorate.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\11 -Ikarus' Dream.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\12 -Breathe Out.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\13 -Kyrie Eleison (Dorian).flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\14 -Antakya No. 2.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\15 -Torna a Surriento.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\16 - Jesubleibet meine Freude.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\17 -Waiting.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\18 -Breathe In.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\19 -Kyrie Eleison (Lydian).flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\20 - Whenin Disgrace.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\21 -Giovanni Tranquillo (Live).flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\22 - StayAway and Play.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\23 - DieNacht ist vorgedrungen.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\24 -Maria durch ein Dornwald ging (Piano Version).flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\25 -Paroles, paroles.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\26 - SeiFröhlich.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\27 -Flying Carpet.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\28 - ILove You Lord Jesus.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\29 -Danke.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96]\30 - Atthe Night Fires of the Caravan.flac

Quadro Nuevo - Songs for Peace (2023) [16-24- 44.1-96].zip:https://url59.ctfile.com/f/32414059-1323466514-9b469e?p=559675(访问密码: 559675)



3月20日消息,近期博主@数码闲聊站 透露,原定三月份发布的华为新旗舰P70系列延期发布,预计4月份上市。

而博主@定焦数码 爆料,华为的P70系列在定位上已经超过了Mate60,成为了重要的旗舰系列之一。它肩负着重返影像领域顶尖的使命。那么这次P70会带来哪些令人惊艳的创新呢?

根据目前爆料的消息来看,华为P70系列将推出三个版本,其中P70和P70 Pro采用了三角形的摄像头模组设计,而P70 Art则采用了与上一代P60 Art相似的不规则形状设计。这样的外观是否好看见仁见智,但辨识度绝对拉满。